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List of East to West Flowing Rivers in India

rivers of india
Dashamlav | 14 November 2019 (अंतिम बदलाव: 4 May 2020)

Majority of rivers in India flow in West to East direction to end up in Bay of Bengal. But there are a few rivers that break this trend and flow from East to West and empty in Arabian Sea. People often think that Narmada and Tapti are the only rivers in India that have a flow from East to West — but there are others too! Here is the complete list of major Indian rivers that flow from East to West. More than 90% of the major rivers flow eastward and carry around 77% of total water flow.

List of East of West Flowing Rivers in India

    1. Banas River
    2. Bhadar River
    3. Ghaggar River
    4. Indus River
    5. Luni River
    6. Mahi River
    7. Narmada River
    8. Periyar River
    9. Sabarmati River
    10. Tapti River

rivers of india

How East to West Flowing Rivers are Different

  • While West to East flowing rivers make deltas; the East to West flowing rivers in India form estuaries.
  • Eastward rivers end up in Bay of Bengal; Westward rivers end up in Arabian sea.
  • Westward rivers comprise of only 23% of drainage area in India. Eastward rivers make the major chunk with 77% of drainge area.
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"List of East to West Flowing Rivers in India." Web. 19 January 2025. <>, "List of East to West Flowing Rivers in India." Accessed 19 January 2025.

"List of East to West Flowing Rivers in India." (n.d.). Retrieved 19 January 2025 from
