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Top 25 Most Populous Countries in the World

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Dashamlav | 18 October 2020 (अंतिम बदलाव: 18 October 2020)

Planet Earth is occupied by more than 7.7 billion people. All these people are living in about 190 countries in the world. Some of the countries are densely populated while the population of some other countries is less than even one hundred thousand. Have you ever wondered which are world’s most populous countries? Of course we all know that China is the most populous country in the world; but which countries come after China? Let’s have a look!

Most Populous Countries in the World

List of Most Populous Countries in the World
Rank Country Population in October 2020
1 China 1,439,323,000
2 India 1,380,004,000
3 United States 331,002,000
4 Indonesia 273,523,000
5 Pakistan 220,892,000
6 Brazil 212,559,000
7 Nigeria 206,139,000
8 Bangladesh 164,689,000
9 Russia 145,934,000
10 Mexico 128,932,000
11 Japan 126,476,000
12 Ethiopia 114,963,000
13 Philippines 109,581,000
14 Egypt 102,334,000
15 Vietnam 97,338,000
16 DR Congo 89,561,000
17 Turkey 84,339,000
18 Iran 83,992,000
19 Germany 83,783,000
20 Thailand 69,799,000
21 United Kingdom 67,886,000
22 France 65,273,000
23 Italy 60,461,000
24 Tanzania 59,734,000
25 South Africa 59,308,000
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"Top 25 Most Populous Countries in the World." Web. 19 January 2025. <>, "Top 25 Most Populous Countries in the World." Accessed 19 January 2025.

"Top 25 Most Populous Countries in the World." (n.d.). Retrieved 19 January 2025 from
