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National Thermal Engineer Day: Objectives, Significance, Theme

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Dashamlav | 24 July 2020 (अंतिम बदलाव: 10 July 2021)

Most of us are hardly aware of the work done by a thermal engineer. Sometimes it is overshadowed by other engineering fields. And sometimes, it is our sheer ignorance! This inspired an American engineering and manufacturing company ATS — Advanced Thermal Solutions to take a step towards spreading awareness about thermal engineers. Accordingly, in 2014, ATS established the National Thermal Engineer Day on 24 July. Since then, the day is being annually celebrated by the thermal engineers.

Objective of National Thermal Engineer Day

One of the main objectives behind the establishment of the observance was to acknowledge the contributions of thermal engineers and highlight their exemplary achievements. The innovations and advancement efforts made by the thermal engineers are no ordinary feet. This observance gives an opportunity to spread awareness about exceptional works in the field of thermal engineering and appreciate the dedication of thermal engineers.

Why was 24 July chosen to celebrate the day?

24 July has been recorded as one of the hottest days of the year in the northern hemisphere. Thus, this day was chosen by ATS to observe the National Thermal Engineer Day. Wasn’t that “a piece of cool information about a hot day”?

What is thermal engineering?

Now that we have talked about thermal engineers, it seems appropriate to discuss the basic information about thermal engineering too. The term “thermal” denotes anything related to heat. Thus, thermal engineering deals with the movement of heat energy and its transfer. It is studied by engineers under a separate sub-discipline of mechanical and chemical engineering.

Some prominent applications of thermal engineering are in the form of thermal power plants, solar heating appliances, HVACs (Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning), Cooling systems, Combustion engines, boilers, etc.

How to Celebrate Thermal Engineers Day 2021?

One of the best ways to celebrate this observance is to highlight the contributions and achievements of thermal engineers on digital media. You can write an article or blog about thermal engineers. You can also use official hashtag #thermalengineerday and post about the day on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites.

Let’s utilize this opportunity to feel grateful towards those thermal engineers who have been contributing day in and out to surround us with all possible comforts.

One of the possible ways to celebrate the day is to buy thermal engineering-based appliances online.

Hope these ideas would help you plan something to mark the National Thermal Engineer Day this year.

Additional information

If you wish to know more about the organization that initiated the annual observance, you can visit

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"National Thermal Engineer Day: Objectives, Significance, Theme." Web. 27 July 2024. <>, "National Thermal Engineer Day: Objectives, Significance, Theme." Accessed 27 July 2024.

"National Thermal Engineer Day: Objectives, Significance, Theme." (n.d.). Retrieved 27 July 2024 from
