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Sambhar Lake

Details of the Indian Ramsar Site: Sambhar Lake
Site NameSambhar Lake
Ramsar Site Number464
Ramsar Designation Date23 Mar 1990
Area24000 hectares
CategoriesInland wetland
Permanent saline/ brackish/ alkaline lake
Human-made wetland
min / max
1 / 2
Listed in Montreux Record?No
Spans over more than one country?No
A large saline lake fed by four streams set in a shallow wetland and subject to seasonal fluctuations. It is surrounded by sand flats and dry thorn scrub and fed by seasonal rivers and streams. The site is important for a variety of wintering waterbirds, including large numbers of flamingos. Human activities consist of salt production and livestock grazing.
Pollution, Household sewage, urban waste water, Human settlements (non agricultural), Housing and urban areas, Natural system modifications, Unspecified/others, Agriculture & aquaculture, Non specified
Last updated on 12 April 2021 06:26:30
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