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State Capitals in the United States of America (USA)

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Dashamlav | 9 September 2020 (अंतिम बदलाव: 9 September 2020)

United States of America (USA) is a federal country that unites 50 states. While Washington DC is the national capital of the USA, each state in the federation also has its own capital city. Following table gives the list of all the states and their capitals. The table also includes the establishment year of the capital, the area and estimated population.

State Capitals of United States of America (USA)
State Capital Capital Since Area (milies2 ) Population (2019)
Alabama Montgomery 1846 159.8 198,525
Alaska Juneau 1906 2716.7 32,113
Arizona Phoenix 1912 517.6 1,680,992
Arkansas Little Rock 1821 116.2 197,312
California Sacramento 1854 97.9 513,624
Colorado Denver 1867 153.3 727,211
Connecticut Hartford 1875 17.3 122,105
Delaware Dover 1777 22.4 38,079
Florida Tallahassee 1824 95.7 194,500
Georgia Atlanta 1868 133.5 506,811
Hawaii Honolulu 1845 68.4 345,064
Idaho Boise 1865 63.8 228,959
Illinois Springfield 1837 54 114,230
Indiana Indianapolis 1825 361.5 876,384
Iowa Des Moines 1857 75.8 214,237
Kansas Topeka 1856 56 125,310
Kentucky Frankfort 1792 14.7 27,679
Louisiana Baton Rouge 1880 76.8 220,236
Maine Augusta 1832 55.4 18,681
Maryland Annapolis 1694 6.73 39,174
Massachusetts Boston 1630 89.6 692,600
Michigan Lansing 1847 35 118,210
Minnesota Saint Paul 1849 52.8 308,096
Mississippi Jackson 1821 104.9 160,628
Missouri Jefferson City 1826 27.3 42,838
Montana Helena 1875 14 32,315
Nebraska Lincoln 1867 74.6 289,102
Nevada Carson City 1861 143.4 55,916
New Hampshire Concord 1808 64.3 43,627
New Jersey Trenton 1784 7.66 83,203
New Mexico Santa Fe 1610 37.3 84,683
New York Albany 1797 21.4 96,460
North Carolina Raleigh 1792 114.6 474,069
North Dakota Bismarck 1883 26.9 73,529
Ohio Columbus 1816 210.3 898,553
Oklahoma Oklahoma City 1910 620.3 655,057
Oregon Salem 1855 45.7 174,365
Pennsylvania Harrisburg 1812 8.11 49,528
Rhode Island Providence 1900 18.5 179,883
South Carolina Columbia 1786 125.2 131,674
South Dakota Pierre 1889 13 13,646
Tennessee Nashville 1826 525.9 670,820
Texas Austin 1839 305.1 978,908
Utah Salt Lake City 1858 109.1 200,567
Vermont Montpelier 1805 10.2 7,855
Virginia Richmond 1780 60.1 230,436
Washington Olympia 1853 16.7 46,478
West Virginia Charleston 1885 31.6 46,536
Wisconsin Madison 1838 68.7 259,680
Wyoming Cheyenne 1869 21.1 64,235
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"State Capitals in the United States of America (USA)." Web. 21 January 2025. <>, "State Capitals in the United States of America (USA)." Accessed 21 January 2025.

"State Capitals in the United States of America (USA)." (n.d.). Retrieved 21 January 2025 from
